Food Forest Workshop
We loved our one-day workshop about Food Forest! If you like the idea of growing your own food and enjoy the ambient of forest in the same time – that technique will turn out very useful. It can be applied on every scale, from the backyards and city parks, to the large rain forest areas.
During this workshop we focused on how does it work in Portugal and how to apply this idea on our exact climate. We will had a tour over the food forest zone on our farm and we shared how did we establish it step by step. If you are curious about early stages of the food forest HERE is the link to our gallery. We explained the principals of this method and gave a list of examples on what plants to choose from. As the practical part of the course, we had a big chop&drop experience together!
Topics covered on Food Forest Workshop
- principals of the technique (how is it different to the orchard)
- examples of plants for every layer
- multi-functions of plants
- preparation and care
- cycle of nutrition
- food forest design
- how to chose the best varieties according to the climate