Good reasons to have a greenhouse in Portugal

Comments ( 6 )

  • Fabien

    Hello, what is the temperature inside your greenhouse during pick winter time ?

    • admin

      In the night the coldest temperature will be just above zero, around 2 Celsius. In the day it raises easily to 20 or more on a sunny weather. It can be even more if we don’t ventilate in the early afternoon hours.

  • Aidi Aron

    Do you use any heating system at all such as compost heating for example?

    • admin

      We haven’t try that in the greenhouse yet, but it’s a great solution! We have done the massive compost heater three winter times for heating up the shower water. Each time it worked nicely, also warming up our banana plants growing next to it. Other simple techniques you can do to increase the temperature is to place many big bottles of water next to the greenhouse’s walls or the most sensitive plants. The body of water acts like an extra thermal mass.

  • Claudia Verschuren

    My question is.. Does it not get too hot in Summer? Even in Holland it can get too hot, so how do you handle this? Obrigada!

    • admin

      Yes, it does get hot. There are some tricks you can improve it for the summer conditions. For example in our polytunnel we can roll up all the long side up and keep the doors open on the both ends, so there is a lot of air flow. The plants actually love it, because it significantly reduces the heat, but gives a bit of UV filter through the greenhouse tarp on the top. So the sun doesn’t burn the plants as much as outdoors. The other way is to put a shade net over the roof of your greenhouse and always keep the doors open. It’s good for the plants with big leaves or tropical plants, they will get extra protection with the strong sun effect and you will get extra humidity inside.
      Some people also just use the greenhouse in the winter time and during the summer keep it at rest. That’s another way, depends really what you want to use it for.
      Good luck and happy growing,

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