Tropical plants in Portugal – Rainforest in your food forest

Comments ( 9 )

  • Isaac Preece

    Hey lovelies, I would love to come see your tropical fruits, i am planning similar but different fruits, would be amazing if we could share some cuttings/ seeds ect?

    • admin

      Hi! That’s great, we also offer farm tours. You can check it out and let us know when it’s good for you. As for the cuttings, spring is better moment for that. Right now Portugal experiences extreme heat waves and everything rather struggles to survive, so it will not take the transplant.

    • Nola-ann

      Good morning Isaac, where can I buy a cardimum and a tea plant? I live near Monsanto. We have avocado, litchi, and mango growing. Have a great weekend

  • Lindsay McCaughey

    Hi, wow that looks amazing. I have been developing our garden, I have the usual, Fig, Orange, Seville Orange, Lime, Lemon and Kumquat trees. Have also been growing Padron Pimenta (not managed to pick them green yet, but when they go red and get hot they make a fantastic Sweet Thai Chilly), tomatoes and various herbs Basil, Rosemary. Thyme, Mint, Peppermint (I love this for my tea) and of course Chillies.

    I also have a Kaffir Lime Leave bush that is really doing well down here in the Algarve, even had one fruit from it this year.

    I have been looking to add a Curry Tree/Brush (for curry leaves) and Black Cardamom (if it can survive here) but have been struggling to find somewhere local to buy them. I found a place in France recently, so might see if I can get some shipped down here, such a shame I can’t seem to buy them locally though.

    • admin

      Hi! Thanks for sharing! If you are from Algarve, I recommend you to look up or their designer Jackson. They might not sell you the plants directly, but they know good sources for sure. Good luck!

    • Jackson

      Hi Lindsay,

      It’s Jackson here!

      Depending where you are in the Algarve, I could easily supply you with some curry bush! Cardamom is also great given the right conditions.

      Happy growing,


      • Lindsay McCaughey

        Hi Jackson and thank you Admin.

        Just back from holidays (can’t believe how cold it is here brrr :-). Jackson can you pop over your email or email me your number, would be great to chat as I am also interested in Black Cardamon and think I have a good shady place for it, that does not get a huge amount of sun, even in the summer.

    • Casey

      Alô Lindsay, Eu estou procurando um lugar para morar, com temperaturas 2o centrigues
      Para cima, a onde a terra e excelente para plantar, com fontes nascente, uma área bem rural,
      Uns 8-10 kms da cidade mais próxima. Uma quinta pequena com 3 mill metros quadrados.

      Agradeço se puder me dar retorno. Já vivo-a 3 anos nas missions da serra. Vila Verde.
      Sincerely Casey

  • Flo

    Olá. This is super interesting. Thanks for sharing! I’m in the Porto area and I was wondering how tropical plants would do because it’s quite humid. This motivates me to try out some.

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